YouthBuild reached out to me recently looking for a few photos of one of their projects. Some of their students were learning to braze copper, and they saw an opportunity to get a little marketing material.

YouthBuild is designed to engage young people in hands-on training sessions, leadership development, community service learning, and job readiness. Participants can earn money while they get valuable hands-on experience. They gain a work-based education in vocational and basic academic skills training that leads to industry-recognized credentials, employment placement, and prepare them for post-secondary education programs.

For me, I just saw a cool opportunity check out a local program and get some unique images. I'm still fairly new to the Hampton Roads area, so I enjoy finding ways to see what the community has to offer.

The guys were a super laid-back group, and they obviously have a good time with the program. They certainly made my job easy! If you want to read up more on YouthBuild or the Volunteers of America, click the links below.